A special birth!

Scripture: Isaiah 7:10-15 We read about many male children’s birth in the Bible. The first birth after creation was Cain. Isaac was Israel’s hope. Samuel was an answer to a mother’s prayer. All these people were significant. They all were expected with joy and hope. All their births were described...

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Another hero of Christmas!

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25 I did not realize Joseph’s importance in the history of Christ’s birth until a very long time. But I started appreciating the good qualities of Joseph when I began observing them closely. Even before knowing how Mary got pregnant, he decided not to punish or disgrace her...

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Whose side are you on?

Scripture: Psalms 73 When the internal war was at its peak in The United States of America, one of the advisors of then President Abraham Lincoln said, “I am grateful because God is on ‘our side.'” But Lincoln replied, “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my...

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Fighting your weakness!

Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16 Eric was struggling with a bad habit. He knew it very well. His friends and family members encouraged him to leave that habit. He agreed that it would be good for his health and relationships if he quit that habit. When others explained how they overcame that weakness,...

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Look at the Lilies of the Field!

Scripture: Psalm 19:1-6 I feel delighted when I look into nature and praise God for His creations. But sometimes I feel guilty of over enjoying it. Then I realized that Jesus used nature as a tool to teach. To stop people from worrying and to encourage them, He used the lilies of the field as an...

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The power of Love!

Scripture: 1 John 4:7-10 We usually see books about Leadership in the list of most-selling books. Most of the books talk about the leadership skills and personality needed to become a Leader. But Henri Nouwen, a dutch priest, wrote a book named – In the name of Jesus: Reflections on...

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Bolt and Blake!

Scripture: Hebrews 10: 19-25 In the 2012 London Olympics, Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake won first and second place in 100-meter and 200-meter running. Although they had a competitive spirit, Bolt praised Blake saying, “Blake is my co-trainee. He has helped me become the best athlete in the past.”...

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The deep pit!

Scripture: Psalms 32:1-5 In 2010, tropical storm Agatha formed in Central America, caused continuous rain and landslides. Of the many effects it had, a 200 feet deep pit in Guatemala, a central American country, was one of them. When this deep pit caused a further landslide, it absorbed the land,...

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Eleventh hour!

Scripture: Matthew 24:3-14 The first world war is considered the one that brought the most harmful consequences in human history. Thousands of people lost their lives in the first world war. The war was stopped at eleven 0’ clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in the year 1981. On this...

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Scripture: 16:1-8 There is a saying like this, ‘God has given us two ears and one mouth for some reason.’ To train ourselves in our lives, listening is essential. Counselors say that we should listen to one another. Spiritual counselors say that we listen to God. But nobody tells us to listen to...

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The Helper!

Scripture: Romans: 16:1-16 For some, the word helper means people of the second level. In a classroom, a helper helps a trained teacher with various things. An electrical engineer, a plumber, a lawyer – all of them have a helper to assist them in their respective fields. There are seen as...

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Scripture: Romans 8:28-30 A sculptor has the skill to see the final image of an uneven, shapeless, and rough stone. This is called foreseeing. Gutzon Borglum was a famous sculptor who sculpted many sculptures from 1867 to 1941. Of the many he carved, the very famous one is the Mount Rushmore...

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