
How is a miracle possible?

How is a miracle possible?

Scripture: Joshua 3; Luke 1:37; Matthew 17:20.(Please read the above scripture passage before you read this devotion to allow God to speak to you). Even today, people deny the fact that God can do miracles. Sometimes, even we doubt and question if this is possible...

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Rahab, Excelled by Faith!

Rahab, Excelled by Faith!

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-18 (Please read the above scripture passage before you read this devotion to allow God to speak to you). Recently, someone asked me, “How come Rahan, the prostitute, got a place in Jesus’ genealogy?” The Faith she had in the God of Israel(v.11)...

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You are not alone!

You are not alone!

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-18 (Please read the above scripture passage before you read this devotion to allow God to speak to you).   Children usually cry on the first day of their school in fear of separation from parents. Even older people fear, right? When we go to...

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Ruth was blessed!

Ruth was blessed!

Scripture: Ruth 2:8-23Today’s Bible passage is the middle part of the book of Ruth. We see the blessings that Ruth received in this passage. Divine Protection (verses 8,9): Ruth was blessed because she chose to depend on the God of Israel. Boaz permitted her to gather...

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A tree to rest!

A tree to rest!

Scripture: Ezra 9:5-9I recently saw a tree full of leaves standing alone on farming land, about 20 acres. I wondered why there were no other trees on that land but only one. When I asked my dad, he explained, saying there was a reason behind it. This tree gives shade...

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A loaf for each of you!

A loaf for each of you!

Once when there was a famine, a kind, rich Baker sent for twenty of the poorest children in the town and said to them: " In this basket, there is a loaf for each of you. Take it and come back to me every day at this hour till God sends us better times." The hungry...

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