Do not forget to give it to your descendants!

Do not forget to give it to your descendants!

Scripture: Joshua 4.

(Please read the above scripture passage before you read this devotion to allow God to speak to you).

There is a quote by Thiruvalluvar that says, The biggest asset and benefit that a father can give his son is the wealth of knowledge.” But today’s scripture portion says something greater than that. Our descendants must know that the Lord is powerful yet merciful and believe in Him (verse 24). In this passage, the Lord commands the duties of every parent and parent to be (Psalms 78:3-8). Children should know about the grace that parents experience.

To follow God is empirical:

The Bible is not just a random story developed by a stranger or something that cannot be proved. Our God made river Jordon to dry up while the priests stepped into it. This is a rare experience. The descendants should also know that. That’s why twelve stones were taken from the middle of Jordon(verse 3,9).

God’s concern for His people is Supreme:

That’s why twelve stones were taken, denoting twelve tribes. No matter what kind of person we are, His concern for us is true! He is more concerned about us than any birds or flowers in the world (Matthew 6:25-34).

Children questioning us is an important phase (verses 16,21):

Parents can never force God’s faith in children. When children ask questions about faith, parents should be able to explain His grace through their spiritual experiences (Exodus 13:1-16). Only this will help children.

Faith in God is a must (verse 23):

Not the stones. It doesn’t have any magical power. Only our God deserves all the glory and worship.

What stones do you have to teach your children about God’s power, grace, and mercy?

Dear God,
Help me to lead an exemplary life before my children for them to know and follow You. Amen!

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