
The only woman to whom God has changed the name as mentioned in the Bible. Waited upon God’s promise for years. Even though her faith wasn’t strong in the early stages, later trusted God and received the promise. Sarah sets us an example for all of us that even if we give up it’s never too late to...

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Hagar always tried to run away from her problems instead of facing them with the help of God. Even when others kept troubling her God led her with His grace. Strengths: 1. Even though situations were tough, she completely obeyed God and His words. 2. God helped to raise her son and all by herself...

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Eve was the last creations of God. She was the first woman in the world. Mother of all living beings. She had no childhood, mother, father, relatives, etc., She got married immediately after she was created. She was easily deceived. She ate the fruit that God told her not to eat. She tempted her...

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