Hagar always tried to run away from her problems instead of facing them with the help of God. Even when others kept troubling her God led her with His grace.
1. Even though situations were tough, she completely obeyed God and His words.
2. God helped to raise her son and all by herself and flourish.
1. She gave place for pride and jealousy when she was raised a little high.
2. She was ungrateful to her mistress.
3. She ran away instead of correcting her.
Other references:
Place: Canaan
Background: Abraham and Sarah’s slave, later Abraham’s concubine.
Son: Ismael.
References: Genesis 16: 1-16; 21: 9-21; 25:12; Galatians 4:21-31.
Note: Every Sunday a character from the Bible will be analyzed and shared in this space. Make use of it to strengthen your Bible knowledge.