Scripture: Psalms 32:1-5
In 2010, tropical storm Agatha formed in Central America, caused continuous rain and landslides. Of the many effects it had, a 200 feet deep pit in Guatemala, a central American country, was one of them. When this deep pit caused a further landslide, it absorbed the land, power poles, and even a 3-story building surrounding it.
Though these deep pits are dangerous, more dangerous pits are found all over the world. That is formed in the human heart. King David is an example of this.
Although David’s life seemed to be a strong one from the outside, his personal life stood on a weak foundation. He thought he had covered his sins perfectly after sinning with Bathsheba and murdering her innocent husband, Uriah (2 Samuel 11-12). But when the prophet Nathan convicted him of his mistakes, he deeply felt guilty. This helped him realize that his spiritual foundation was weak. David did not let this deep pit worsen; instead, he confessed his sins and repented to God (Psalm 32:5). As a result, God covered David’s sins and gave him the joy of being forgiven.
This applies same to us. When we confess our sins and repent to God, we can experience His grace. Our God will forgive us completely and cover all the deep pits in our lives.