Another hero of Christmas!

Another hero of Christmas!

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

I did not realize Joseph’s importance in the history of Christ’s birth until a very long time. But I started appreciating the good qualities of Joseph when I began observing them closely. Even before knowing how Mary got pregnant, he decided not to punish or disgrace her publicly (Matthew 1:19).

I am astonished to see his obedience and humbleness. He not only did what the Angel asked him to do (v.24), but he did not consummate their marriage until Mary gave birth to Jesus (v. 25). He was also ready to relocate from his hometown to save Jesus (2:13-23).

Imagine how stressful it should have been for Mary and Joseph to learn that the Son of God is theirs and they got the responsibility to take care of Him until He grows up into a Man. While God’s presence calls us to be more holy every minute of every day, imagine the challenges of having the Son of God staying with you all the time. What a great man he should be to be chosen for such a significant role! He is a great role modal for us to take care of our children or other children under our responsibility.

Although we do not know God’s entire plan for our life, may God give us to strength to be faithful man like Joseph!

1 Comment

  1. Anjana Gounder

    Indeed, as Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, so was Joseph chosen to be the Dad. What an honor for him.


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