Scripture: Isaiah 40
The above verse about those who hope in the Lord gives us the confidence to face the future. In a life filled with problems, we wait on God for salvation. Because Jesus said to his followers, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4).
We know that our end will be filled with glory. This gives us a surety about heaven and helps us to run the race on this earth. Also, when we feel tired, we shall soar on our wings of faith. We should walk on the path of obedience without giving up. We shall spend our day-to-day lives without feeling tired. We will face a better tomorrow. And the best world is coming, which is the new heaven and earth. At that time, our spirit will revive, and our body will jump and arise to that place. This is our hope.
Although we know that all these will happen someday, we can start being that kind of person today, wherever we are. No matter how complicated your situation is, be of good hope, have patience and be happy. Let us prepare not to worry about anything that pulls us down but be calm and show love towards those in distress. We can train our souls for that day even while we are here.
