Scripture: Matthew 9:35-10:1
Once my friend spent a whole day setting up a stair with bricks in his backyard. His five-year-old daughter begged him to allow her to help him. He suggested she motivate him through her singing. But she denied it. She wanted to help him physically. So he let her only after making sure she would not get hurt in the process.
If she hadn’t been involved in this work, her father would have completed this work in less time. He felt happy not only for setting up the stair but also for seeing his daughter proudly telling everyone that she helped her father in setting up the stair.
From the beginning, God trusted people to finish His work. Once he qualified Adam to till the land and supervise the animals, God handed over the Garden of Eden to Adam (Genesis 2:15-20).
The exact modal is still being continued. When God wished to dwell on the earth, a tabernacle or a church did not come directly from heaven. Thousands of artists and builders were building them (Exodus 35-38; 1 King 6). When Jesus announced the Kingdom of God, He called people to help Him. He said to His disciples, “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38).
Just like how a father expects His children to help him, the same way God is calling all of us as a partner in the Kingdom of God.