Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Many are interested in playing games that check their knowledge. Recently, my cousin and I played a game testing our biblical knowledge. We were doing this sitting on our terrace. So our other cousins who were playing nearby could also listen to our Q&A sessions. Quickly questions were shot from Noah’s ark incident to the Samaritan Woman near the wall, and all our cousins participated by answering the questions. As a family, it gave us great joy that everyone participated in the Bible quiz voluntarily.
Biblical knowledge is essential. But God wants us to know the Word, receive It and grow closer to Him. The Holy Spirit transforms us like Christ through the Word (Ephesians 4:20-24). Think about the following goodness we receive through knowing the Bible. Happiness, Joy (Jeremiah 15:16), Spiritual victory (Joshua 1:8), a weapon that helps us in our spiritual battles (Matthew 4:1-11), Reformation (2 Timothy 3:15-16), Light to our path (Psalms 119:105), Wisdom to solve problems (Proverbs 1:1-2), Stimulates our faith (Romans 10:17).
If we read the Bible only to gain knowledge, it will lead to Spiritual Pride (1 Corinthians 8:1). But, if we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us according to the Word of God, He will help us with the constant changes that come along with the journey of life. Also, He will help us to love God and others.

Amen 😇
Thank you for always encouraging me with word of god 😇