Today’s verse: Matthew 19:14
… “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Scripture: Matthew 19:13-30
All of us desire to go to heaven. But many lose track, not knowing to choose the right path. In today’s passage, we read about the terms and conditions to have eternal life.
Give them the space (verses 13-15):
Some people who claim themselves to be mature in faith consider themself eligible to enter into heaven. But the Bible clearly says that it is for little children (Matthew 18:1-14). Even little children have to come to God. And a mature Christian shouldn’t be a roadblock to them. What does it mean? Our lifestyle is to help little children who see us follow Christ. Also, we shouldn’t belittle those who lack faith; instead, we should encourage and draw them closer to God.
Leave them to get the space (verses 16-22):
We desire to go to heaven. But… we want to enjoy all the worldly desires as well, which is not possible. We should sacrifice either of these two. We should not be complacent with worldly wealth. We should make a resolution to be a part of heaven. And we should not stop just with the resolution, but we should commit to change our actions (Luke 19:8,9; Philippians 3:4-11).
Get away with it (verses 23-30):
The rich young ruler who hesitated to leave all his belongings became a loser of eternal life. But the disciples who left everything to follow Jesus received everything in a hundred folds. Just like how we fish a big fish by letting in a smaller one, we should sacrifice the temporary things in the world to attain eternal life (Luke 16:1-9). Look carefully into verse 28, in which Jesus says what the disciples earned by losing.
Remember, it is better to lose for Christ and gain eternal life than to have in the worldly life and lose later.
Dear God,
Help me to make attaining eternal life a goal. Amen.