Today’s verse: Matthew 22:14
“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Scripture: Matthew 22: 1-14
(Make sure to read the scripture mentioned above before reading the blog)
Jesus narrates yet another parable about the chief priests and the Pharisees.
Those who were called:
How proud we will feel if we get an invitation from a King Himself! Some received such an invitation that they could feel proud about. They were close to the King. They are none other than the Jewish leaders! The chosen ones by God. Today we also receive the same invitation through Christ (Matthew 11:28; Isaiah 55:1-3). We should know what we are called for through the word of God.
Those who ignored:
Those who received an invite from the King were busy with their worldly stuff and forgot the invitation and ignored it. They gave importance to their own well-being alone (work, education, and so on) (Luke 14:15-21). If we don’t give the first priority to Jesus Christ, it means that we ignore Him.
Those who mistreated:
Some did not just stop with ignoring the King but killed His servants. They will definitely face the consequences of His wrath. In what way do we mistreat or belittle Jesus? (Hebrews 6: 4-8). Instead of being a testimony for Him, do we reject Him saying we don’t know Him like Peter? Are we limiting His power and holiness through our actions?
Those who missed the chance:
Those who missed the chance were considered as a stranger. They missed the opportunity to enter the wedding. Now even if they wish to enter, they get no chance to do it. Because they have already rejected Him (Matthew 23:37-39). There is nothing worse than missing the opportunity given to us.
Ignoring or getting ready? What do you spend your time at?
Dear God,
Help me not to lose the opportunity to enter the Heavenly kingdom. Amen