Today’s verse: 1 Timothy 2:3,4
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Scripture: Matthew 4:12-25
In today’s passage, we see that Jesus is calling the disciples to continue His ministry. Everyone has to prepare people for God’s ministry. A father needs to prepare his children, a pastor needs to prepare his believers, a leader needs to prepare the second-generation leaders to do God’s ministry because we see that Jesus Himself calls people to continue His work.
1. Why did Jesus call? (verse 12 to 17):
Every new beginning comes from someone’s end. God sent John the baptist to earth with a vision to create ways for Jesus. But John was arrested and kept in prison. It was almost like an end to his ministry. So Jesus decides that not only Him but also His disciples have to fulfill God’s purpose on earth. And that is why we see Jesus calling his disciples in the passage.
2. Whom did Jesus call? (verse18-21):
Jesus did not call the educated ones from the aristocratic families. He called the fishermen who were illiterates. He called the simple to do the extraordinary work. The disciples obeyed His call and left their belongings, family, job and followed Jesus. One cannot receive God’s calling unless he/she is happy and truthful to whatever job is given to him/her. God doesn’t call the ones who do their job with boredom, murmuring, or dissatisfaction.
3. For what did Jesus call? (verse 19,23-25):
The ultimate reason for calling the disciples is mentioned in verse 19.
…” Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
We must bring people to experience God’s love. Jesus did not reject the people with physical/mental health issues or the demon-possessed ones. God is calling each one of us to spread peace to the world that is searching for peace.
If you are able to understand the needs of people around you, then you are the one that God has called. Start working for Him.
Give me the wisdom to make You happy by obeying the calling You have upon me.