Today’s verse: Matthew 17:20
…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move; and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Scripture:Matthew 17:14-27
In today’s devotion, we shall see the hurdles in the ministry path.
Weak faith (verse 14-20):
While sending His disciples out for ministry, Jesus gave them the authority to heal the sick and free the demon-possessed (Matthew 10:1-20). But they couldn’t cure the demon-possessed son (verses 14-16). Jesus condemned them, saying it is because of their unbelief (verse 17). We should express our faith in our actions. A mustard sized faith will move a mountain (verse 20). If we have even a little faith in the power of Jesus, we will be able to achieve more extraordinary things (Hebrews 11:32-40).
Prayerlessness (verse 21):
Prayer and fasting help us to get closer to God and receive His power. To stand against the power of satan, we need to receive God’s power. The discerning spirit, the strength and the boldness that the Holy Spirit gives are needed. Fasting is not only avoiding food. Sometimes to pray, avoiding our sleep and rest is also to fast. What does the Bible preach about true fasting? (Isaiah 58:5-7).
Being an obstacle in others life (verse 24-27):
Jesus preaches that we shouldn’t think that we are right and be an obstacle in others’ lives. If the tax is not paid, it will trouble others. Jesus displays to us that we should obey the Government and its law. Even in most minor things, those who remain as trouble to others will face more significant consequences (Mark 9:42-47). Does the incident of finding a silver coin from a fish’s mouth seem like a miracle? A specific type of fish in the sea of Galilee has a habit of keeping the newly hatched fishes in the sac near its mouth. Once the newly hatched fish starts to swim, this sac becomes empty and to fill it; they keep small things (whatever they get) inside the sac. Here we get a silver coin (verse 27). From this incident, we realize that Jesus rules nature.
Ask yourself – What are the spiritual weaknesses found in me?
Dear God,
Help me to receive Your power through prayer and minister for You. Amen.