Make Margin

We tell ourselves life will slow down. After the holidays. After the kids go back to school. After the kids are out of school. After we finish a big project at work. We assume at some point there will be time to breathe. Sip some tea in our favorite mug. We make plans to snuggle on the couch under a cozy blanket and stare out the window. Yet, life has a way of us everything is urgent. “This” must be done RIGHT NOW. We stuff as much into our day as possible and cram our calendar with more stuff.

While there are seasons that are busier than others, it necessary to make margin in our lives. What is margin?

Margin is literally the space on the edge of the page where you’re not supposed to write. Where the printer cannot print. It’s the blank space.

We can’t continue the pace of life that fills our calendars, overloads our inbox, consumes our time, and bogs us down. We have to stop. Regroup. Breathe. Sleep well. Even say no to things to make room in our lives for rest. We need boundaries to keep our lives in check.

In the margin, there’s time for self-care. There’s time for reading. There’s time for rest. In the margin, we connect with Christ, with our family, with friends, and with ourselves. Our souls, hearts, and minds thrive when we refuse to fill up every inch of our days, weeks, and months. Make margin a priority over these 21-days. Turn off the TV. Close the app. Put your computer on Sleep. Make time for yourself and make time for Christ.