Today’s verse: Matthew 9: 13
…‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
Scripture: Matthew 9: 1-13
Today let us meditate on the incidents and the words that Jesus spoke as He reached Capernaum.
Arise and walk – Command (verse 1-8):
Although Jesus knew that the paralytic man was a sinner, He called him Son by seeing the faith in everyone who carried him to Jesus. We could see the authority of Jesus as he forgives the paralytic man and asks him to arise and walk. Now the man who was carried by others carries the bed in which he was brought. Such was the new strength he has gained. The scribes because of their ignorance said that Jesus blasphemed. But we not only by reading the Bible but also because of what we have experienced in our lives we know that Jesus has all the authority and power because He is the Son of God.
Follow Me – Calling (verse 9):
Those days people hated the tax collectors as they were unjust. In a world that looks for the upright to spread the gospel, Jesus was just the opposite to it. Looking at Matthew who was sitting in the tax office, He said, “Follow Me.” Immediately he leaves everything and follows Jesus. He leaves the job where he gets more money and chooses to spread the gospel that will make him carry the cross. What a marvel it is to leave everything and obey God’s call although you have no plan or map for it!
I desire mercy – Lesson (verse 10-13):
Whom did the Pharisees list as ‘sinners’? Is it not a sin to judge others as little? There is no one pure on earth other than Jesus. In such a situation, an approach to save the sinners is much needed. How important it is to save them than to judge them! Jesus says that was the reason He came to earth. This is a difficult job yet He loves that. Let us pray for the servants of God who ministers amongst the deserted people – the poor, the diseased, the sinners, etc.,
Being kind to others especially the rejected ones is superior to giving offerings to God!
Help me to cling to You who has the authority to forgive the sinners and heal the sick. Amen!