God, the Master!

Today’s verse: Matthew 20: 1-16

“So the last will be first, and the first last, For many are called, but few chosen.”

Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus conveyed about the heavenly kingdom through many parables (Matthew 13:24-34). More than explaining how the heavenly kingdom would be, he explains a lot about who will enter the heavenly kingdom. In today’s passage, he explains the qualities of the Master of the heavenly kingdom!

He calls (verses 1-7):

Just like how the master called all those who were idle in the streets and marketplace, Christ also calls us. God called the tribe of Levi for the priesthood (Numbers 3:5-10). He called Paul to take the gospel to the gentiles. Jesus called the twelve disciples to be with Him and serve in His ministry. Today He calls you and me. Are you ready to serve Him?

He gives the reward (verses 8-10):

We will be rewarded according to our deeds (Revelation 22:12; Romans 4:12). Sometimes the worldly masters fail to reward us for the work we do. But our God is not a God who takes away our blessings from us. We ourselves lose them. In such situations, many blame God. But we should not blame Him, instead wait upon Him patiently and understand Him more.

He is just (verses 11-16):

Although those who were paid murmured, the master did everything as per justice (Isaiah 53:4-6,9). In the same way, although situations look like injustice in the sight of God, we can see Jesus explaining that he is not unjust in verse 13. Our God is not a God who accepts some and rejects the rest. He is the impartial God.

Our God is not a God who condemns, He is a caring God.

Dear God,
I pray that You be the Master of my life. Amen.