Keep the unity!

Keep the unity!

Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-6.

A man who was caught on an island was finally found. People who rescued him enquired him about the three huts they saw there. He pointed at one of those huts and said, “This is my house; that is my church.” He said at the third hut, “This was my church before.” Although we feel like laughing at this story, this explains to us the importance of prioritizing unity amongst the believers. 

The Ephesus Church during the period of apostle Paul had the wealthy, poor, Jews, gentiles, men, women, masters, and enslaved people. A lot of differences and difference of opinion was seen there. Paul wrote about the lack of unity among them. Watch out for what he has written about this issue in Ephesians 4:3. He did not ask them to keep the unity in Spirit. Instead, he emphasized keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 

Since believers are bonded by One hope, One body, One Spirit, One God, One faith, and One baptism, unity was found in them already (verses 4-6).

How can we keep unity? We can maintain unity by explaining our difference of opinions and our faith politely, gently, and humbly. The Holy Spirit will give us the strength to act with love towards those with different views.

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