Carry your cross!

Today’s verse: Matthew 16: 24

… If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.

Scripture: Matthew 16: 13-28

Jesus wished to know what people were telling about Him. Peoples’ opinions were different (verses 13,14). Then Jesus wanted to know if disciples knew about Him (verse 15). Today God is speaking to us through Peter’s response.

Thinking of the Spirit:

Peter gave the right answer for whom Jesus is (verse 16). This truth was revealed to him by the Father God. Even today, the Holy Spirit helps us to understand the word of God (John 16:7-15). What was the promise that Jesus gave to Peter, who spoke from the spirit? (verses 18,19) And Peter raised a church after the resurrection of Jesus, right!

Carnal thinking:

Peter nagged when Jesus spoke about His suffering and death (verse 21,22). We can see how instantly he started thinking from his flesh. Jesus condemned him (verse 23). Jesus’ suffering and death might seem wrong in the eyes of any human. But that is the will of God. We see the difference between the one who received the Holy Spirit and the one who hasn’t through the life of Peter. If we are passive thinking we have Holy Spirit in us, satan will sow his thoughts in us. David was after God’s own heart. But an evil thought entered his heart as well. (2 Samuel 11: 1-4). Hence it is crucial to be aware always.

The path of the cross:

What should those who follow Jesus do? (Acts 14:20-23). God allows a cross (troubles) according to each individual’s strength. When we sacrifice something for Jesus, we will receive the reward in His second coming (verses 25-27). Jesus helps us to carry the cross. He gives us the strength and wisdom to overcome the trouble!

Ask yourself what is dominating in you? The thinking of the spirit or the carnal thinking?

Dear God,
Please help me to hold on to you in any situation. Amen.